California Just Got One Step Closer to Legalizing Amsterdam-Style Cannabis Cafes

May 22, 2024 · Thrillist

In Amsterdam, “coffee shop” holds a completely different meaning than what Americans might expect. The artistic, canal-filled city is packed with aesthetically-pleasing cafes that serve the typical coffee, tea, and sandwiches, as well as a vast array of cannabis products. As of May 20, California is one step closer to adopting this lifestyle.

Assembly Bill 1775, which would allow dispensaries in California to serve food and nonalcoholic beverages, was approved by the State Assembly this week and is now headed to the State Senate. If approved, the bill will go to Governor Gavin Newsom next, who vetoed a previous version in October 2023. The current, amended bill would also grant cannabis retailers permission to host live music events and performances.

California has been a trailblazer in the legalization of cannabis and is home to many dispensaries and consumption lounges, some of which have utilized workarounds to allow food. The Artist Tree in West Hollywood, for example, lets consumers get takeout from nearby restaurants delivered directly to their lounge. Passing Assembly Bill 1775, however, would help California’s struggling cannabis storefronts stay afloat despite the state’s high sales taxMany feel that passing the bill will also help destigmatize marijuana use, help dispensaries become community spaces, and combat California’s illegal cannabis market.

While the bill has a long way to go, there are still plenty of storefronts you can light up in across California, as well as cannabis destinations across the state such as Anderson Valley and the newly-updated, nine-county trail in Northern California. (Full Story)

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